The Good Life Proposition -
Best Of Both Worlds

This is our core proposition and offering to you whether you are an trader or an Investor. We follow a Top Quartile Methodology across equity and equity oriented opportunities which help you achieve more consistent returns with a lower downside risk. Our job is to make sure your financial jobs are achieved timely.

Unlock Your Financial Potential With Our Services

Investment Services

The difference between Top Quartile or Top 25% over 11000 opportunities and others is the difference between being an International player or a Ranji Player. In an uncertain world this proposition makes life more predictable and as per plan adding to your peace of mind.
Key benefit is 20-25% lower expense ratio with a 3-4 percent outperformance over Index funds.

Allow us to be a part of your Investing Journey.

Creation of wealth and maintaining it is about conviction and being consistent.
However Life is what happens while we are making other plans!
To get where we want to get to in time and in style we need the best of both worlds in a wealth management proposition.
Wealth Creation is the phase where 25 crores of net worth in Rupee terms is being created.
Wealth management starts after that as there is something to manage across asset classes under one roof.
To make the decision making easy for you we have the Good Life proposition.

Equity Broking

A rigorous process was adopted to shortlist our broking services partner with over 20 key parameters. It helps us to provide you with timely buy/sell/avoid calls.In our view it is essential for a good trading experience.
A time tested approach before you take the leverage route full-fledged is
1. Derivatives
2. LAS
3. Broker Funding
This ensures that you stay in the game while being invested in leverage opportunities and the like. Depending upon the market situation these calls can also be taken if you are open to the risk.

Loan Services

Your home is the foundation of all that you aspire for. We can extend a helping hand if needed. Should you need more funds to grow the business, you can avail Loan against Property or Loan against shares. LAS-Loan against shares can be availed if you wish more investments with Optimal Leverage. Advantage is a lower interest rate as well as a higher capacity to hold on to the stock.

What is it?

A top quartile based asset allocation of research backed ideas as per market cycle across Mutual Funds, Portfolio Management Schemes and Alternative investment funds. The benefit is a 3-4 percent upside over Index Funds and a 20-30 percent fall in expense ratios across the board for equity oriented opportunities.
For Exchange oriented opportunities Our firm is a progress partner with Prabhudas Lilladher-The Oldest Corporate Stock Broker in the country.
PL has the largest Stock Lending Book of 1000 crores. As per our experience calls are accurate to the degree of 70-80%.

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